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- 161-A1.0
- 161-A1.1
- 161-A1.2
- 161-A2.1
- 161-A2.2
- 161-A2.3
- 161-A3.1
- 161-A3.2
- 161-A4.1
- 161-A4.2
- 161-A5.1
- 220-A1.1
- 220-A1.2
- 220-A1.3
- 220-A2.1
- 220-A3.1
- 220-A3.2
- 220-A3.3
- 224-A1
- 229-A1.1
- 229-A1.2
- 229-A2.1
- 229-A2.2
- 2S2122 Activity 1.1
- 2S2122 Activity 1.2
- 2S2122 Activity 1.2(fixed)
- 2S2122 Activity 2.1
- 2S2122 Activity 2.2
- 2S2122 Activity 3.1
- 2S2122 Activity 3.2
- 2S2122 Activity 3.3
- 2S2122 Activity 4.1
- 2S2122 Activity 4.2
- Active Filters
- Adrian's Sandbox
- Asymptotic Equipartition Property
- BS CoE Checklist of Courses
- Bessel Filters
- Butterworth Filters
- CMOS Technology and Fabrication
- Channel coding theorem
- Channel polarization
- Channeling Your Inner Capacity
- Channeling your inner capacity
- Chebyshev Filters
- CoE/ECE/EE 196
- CoE161 2025 HW01
- CoE161 2S2223 Programming Activity 1
- CoE161 2S2223 Programming Activity 2
- CoE165 2024 Assignment 01
- CoE165 2024 Assignment 02
- CoE165 2024 Assignment 04
- CoE165 2024 Assignment 05
- CoE165 2024 Assignment 06
- CoE197U-A1.1
- CoE197U-A3.1
- CoE197U-A5.1
- CoE197U 2s2324 Introduction
- CoE197U 2s2324 Scaling
- CoE 161
- CoE 161 S2 AY 2020-2021
- CoE 161 S2 AY 2021-2022
- CoE 161 S2 AY 2022-2023
- CoE 161 S2 AY 2024-2025
- CoE 163
- CoE 163 S2 AY 2020-2021
- CoE 163 S2 AY 2021-2022
- CoE 163 S2 AY 2022-2023
- CoE 164 S2 AY 2020-2021
- CoE 164 S2 AY 2021-2022
- CoE 164 S2 AY 2022-2023
- CoE 164 S2 AY 2023-2024
- CoE 164 S2 AY 2024-2025
- CoE 165 2024 Assignment 03
- CoE 165 S1 AY 2024-2025
- CoE 197U
- CoE 197U CMOS Gates
- CoE 197U CMOS Inverter
- CoE 197U IC Fabrication
- CoE 197U Interconnects
- CoE 197U Introduction
- CoE 197U Logical Effort
- CoE 197U MOS Differential Pairs
- CoE 197U Memory
- CoE 197U Power and Energy
- CoE 197U S2 AY 2021-2021
- CoE 197U S2 AY 2021-2022
- CoE 197U S2 AY 2022-2023
- CoE 197U S2 AY 2023-2024
- CoE 197U Scaling
- CoE 197U The CMOS Inverter
- CoE 197U The MOS Switch
- CoE 197U The MOS Transistor
- CoE 197U Timing
- CoE 197U Two-Stage MOS Operational Transconductance Amplifiers
- Coding teaser: Source Coding
- Coding teaser: source coding
- College of Engineering Courses
- College of Science Courses
- Computer Engineering Courses
- Conditional Entropy and Mutual Information
- Course Redesign for Remote Learning
- Diode and Transistor Noise
- EEEI Undergraduate Course Catalog
- EEE 143
- EEE 143 2s2425
- EEE 51
- EEE 51 Transistor Models
- EEE Courses
- EE 220
- EE 220 Noise Analysis
- EE 224
- EE 229
- EE 298U
- Electrical Engineering Courses
- Electronic Noise
- Electronics Engineering Courses
- Elliptic Filters
- Engaging introduction to information theory
- Entropy
- Entropy, Relative Entropy, Mutual Information
- Filter Basics
- Filter Families
- Filter Synthesis
- Frequency Response Visualization
- HW 2: Analog Sticks
- Huffman codes
- Independence and Markov Chains
- Information and Entropy
- Information and entropy
- Integrated Capacitors
- Integrated Resistors
- Integrator-based Filters
- Integrators
- Introduction to CoE 161
- Introduction to EE 229
- Joint Entropy, Conditional Entropy, and Mutual Information
- Joint entropy, conditional entropy, and mutual information
- Jointly typical sequences
- Lab 0: Introduction to Logisim
- Lab 1: Say my Student Number
- Lab 2: Analog Sticks
- MOS Transistors
- Main Page
- Microlab Classes
- Model-Based Analog Circuit Design
- Mutual Information
- Ngspice Tutorial
- Noise Analysis
- Noise in RF Circuits
- Nonlinearity
- Nonnegativity of Information Measures
- Passive CMOS Devices
- Passive Matching Networks
- Probability Review I
- Probability review for warm up
- Quality Factor
- Resistor Noise
- Resonance
- SFG Butterworth Low-Pass Filter Example
- SFG RC Filter Example
- SFG RLC Filter Example
- SKY130 Models
- Sensitivity and Dynamic Range
- Shannon's Communication Theory
- Source coding
- The Data Processing Inequality
- Turing Machines
- Uniquely Decodable Codes
- Using Python with ngspice