Entropy Chain Rule
Figure 1: Entropy visualization for two random variables using Venn diagrams.
As we increase the number of random variables we are dealing with, it is important to understand how this increase affects entropy. We have previously shown that for two random variables

We can use Venn diagrams to visualize these relationships, as seen in Fig. 1. For three random variables
, and

In general:

Conditional Mutual Information
Conditional mutual information is defined as the expected value of the mutual information of two random variables given the value of a third random variable, and for three random variables
, and
, it is defined as:

We can rewrite the definition of conditional mutual information as:

Figure 2: Entropy visualization for three random variables using Venn diagrams.
We can visualize this relationship using the Venn diagrams in Fig. 2. Compare this to our expression for the mutual information of two random variables

Chain Rule for Mutual Information
For random variables

And for random variables

We can then express the conditional mutual information as:

Rearranging, we then obtain the chain rule for mutual information:

Thus, we can extend this for additional random variables:

In general:

A Markov Chain is a random process that describes a sequence of possible events where the probability of each event depends only on the outcome of the previous event. Thus, we say that
is a Markov chain in this order, denoted as:

If we can write:

Or in a more compact form:

We can use Markov chains to model how a signal is corrupted when passed through noisy channels. For example, if
is a binary signal, it can change with a certain probability,
, to
, and it can again be corrupted to produce
Consider the joint probability
. We can express this as:

And if
, we get:

, we can write:

Thus, we can say that
are conditionally independent given
. If we think of
as some past event, and
as some future event, then the past and future events are independent if we know the present event
. Note that this property is good definition of, as well as a useful tool for checking Markovity.
We can rewrite the joint probability

Therefore, if
, then it follows that
The Data Processing Inequality
Figure 3: Venn diagram visualization of mutual information in a Markov chain.
Consider three random variables,
, and
. The mutual information
can be expressed as:

, i.e.
, and
form a Markov chain, then
is conditionally independent of
, resulting in
. Thus,

And since
, we get the expression known as the Data Processing Inequality:

And since
is also a Markov chain, then:

We can visualize this relation using the Venn diagrams in Fig. 3. Note that the equality occurs when
. It should also be evident that
is independent of
, and that
Essentially, the data processing inequality implies that no amount of processing or clever manipulation of data can improve inference. Stated in another way, no clever transformation of the received code
can give more information about the sent code
. This implies that:
- We will loose information when we process information (downside).
- In some cases, the equality still holds even if we discard something (upside). This motivates our exploration of the concept of sufficient statistics.
Sufficient Statistics
Given a family of distributions
indexed by a parameter
. If
is a sample from
, and
is any statistic, then we get the Markov chain:

From the data processing inequality, we get:

We say that a statistic is sufficient for
if it has all the information contained in
. Mathematically, this means:

Or equivalently:

That is, once we know
, the remaining randomness in
does not depend on
Fano's Inequality
Consider a communication system, where we transmit
, and receive the corrupted version
. If we try to infer
, there is always a possibility that we will make a mistake. If
is our estimate of
, then
is a Markov chain. We then define the probability of error as:

Let us define the error random variable,
, as:

We then get
. Using the entropy chain rule:

Then the conditional entropy

Let us look at these terms one by one. If we know
, then there is no uncertainty in the value of
, thus:

Recall that conditioning reduces the uncertainty:

We can expand

Note that given
, i.e. there is no error, then there is no uncertainty in
, giving us
. And once again, we know conditioning reduces uncertainty, giving us
. Thus, recognizing that
, we get:

If both
have symbols in the alphabet
, then applying the Gibbs inequality, we get
, where
is the number of symbols in
. This gives us:

Combining these individual results, we can then write Eq. 30 as:

is a Markov chain, as seen in Figs. 3 and 4, we get Fano's Inequality:

We can then express the error probability in terms of

Recall that:

Figure 4: A Venn diagram visualizing

We can further recognize that for
, or equivalently when
, we know that
is not equal to the actual value of
, thus reducing the possible values of
, thus:

This allows us to write Eq. 38 as:

And since
, we get:

Thus, Fano's inequality leads to a lower bound on the probability of error, for any decoding function
, and it depends on the mutual information
, or how much information about
is contained in
, and the size of the alphabet
. Thus, to reduce the lower bound of
, we should minimize
, or equivalently maximize
, as expected.
161-A4.1 Activity A4.1 The Data Processing Inequality and Fano's Inequality -- This activity introduces the concept of information loss and the error probabilities associated with entropy and mutual information.
- Yao Xie's lecture on Data Processing Inequality.