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The Ideal Integrator

The ideal integrator, shown in Fig. 1, with symbol shown in Fig. 2, makes use of an ideal operational amplifier with , , and .

Figure 1: The op-amp-based ideal integrator.
Figure 2: The symbol for an integrator.

The current through the resistor, , can be expressed as:






Thus, we can write the integrator output voltage, , as:






In the Laplace domain:






Or equivalently:






The magnitude and phase response of an ideal integrator is shown in Figs. 3 and 4. A key feature to note in ideal integrators is the fact that:

  • The unity gain frequency is equal to , and
  • The phase at the unity gain frequency is exactly .
Figure 3: Magnitude response of an ideal integrator with .
Figure 4: Phase response of an ideal integrator with .

Rewriting the transfer function as:






We can then define the quality factor of an ideal integrator:






Since . Fig. 5 shows a two-input integrator, with output voltage:






Figure 5: A two-input op-amp integrator.

Integrator Noise

Fig. 6 shows an integrator where the output is fed back to one of its inputs, giving us:






Figure 6: Resistor thermal noise generators in an integrator.

Ignoring the noise from the amplifier, the output noise of the integrator in Fig. 6 can be expressed as:






The total integrated noise is then:






Integrator Non-Idealities

In practice, integrators are limited by the characteristics of non-ideal amplifiers: (1) finite gain at DC, and (2) non-dominant amplifier poles. Let us look at the effects of these non-idealities one at a time.

Finite Gain

The transfer function of an integrator using an amplifier with finite gain, , can be written as:






The magnitude and phase response of this non-ideal integrator is shown in Figs. 7 and 8.

Figure 7: The magnitude response of an integrator with a finite-gain amplifier.
Figure 8: The phase response of an integrator with a finite-gain amplifier.

Note that the integrator quality factor now becomes finite:






The phase at is then:






Thus, if is finite, will approach, but will never be equal to , resulting in a phase lead. For example, if , we get , and will result in .

Non-Dominant Poles

The transfer function of an integrator using an amplifier with infinite gain but with non-dominant poles can be expressed as:






The magnitude and phase response of this non-ideal integrator is shown in Figs. 9 and 10.

Figure 9: The magnitude response of an integrating using an amplifier with a non-dominant pole, .
Figure 10: The phase response of an integrating using an amplifier with a non-dominant pole, .

The phase at the unity gain frequency is then equal to:






Note that the non-dominant poles contribute to the integrator phase lag.

In a real integrator, the effects (phase lead) of the amplifier finite gain can cancel out the effects (phase lag) of the non-dominant poles! Given the transfer function of the integrator with an amplifier that has both finite gain and non-dominant poles:






If we assume that and , we can then rewrite the transfer function as:






For non-dominant poles. The integrator quality factor is then equal to:






As expected, the effect of finite gain can be cancelled out by the effect of the non-dominant poles.

Capacitor Non-Idealities

For lossy capacitors, modeled in Fig. 11 as an ideal capacitor in series with a resistor, , the integrator transfer function becomes:






Figure 11: An integrator with a lossy capacitor.

The magnitude and phase response is shown in Figs. 12 and 13.

Figure 12: Magnitude response of an integrator with a lossy capacitor.
Figure 13: Magnitude response of an integrator with a lossy capacitor.

Notice the phase lead introduced by the zero due to . At :






The integrator quality factor can then be written as:






Thus, a non-zero degrades the integrator quality factor, but in typical implementations, the amplifier non-idealities will dominate.


An alternative implementation of an integrator is to use transconductances, which drive constant current into capacitors, as shown in Fig. 14.

Figure 14: A integrator.

We can write the output voltage as:






Where . This type of integrator is ideal in cases where the loads are capacitive, e.g. in CMOS circuits, and are much simpler than op-amp-based integrators since integrators are open-loop circuits without feedback. In general, real transconductance amplifiers will have transconductances that vary with frequency, , thus also affecting the phase at , similar to op-amp-based integrators.


The quality factor of the integrator is reduced by:

  • The finite gain of the amplifier,
  • The presence of amplifier non-dominant poles, and
  • The loss of passive reactive components, e.g. capacitors.

Note that both the finite amplifier gain and the lossy capacitor introduces a phase lead, and the presence of non-dominant poles results in a phase lag.