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* Shot Noise
* Shot Noise
* Flicker Noise
* Flicker Noise
* Noise Analysis
* [[EE 220 Noise Analysis | Noise Analysis]]
* Identify the fundamental types of electronic noise and differentiate one noise type from another.
* Identify the fundamental types of electronic noise and differentiate one noise type from another.

Revision as of 15:18, 22 February 2021

  • Analog Integrated Circuits
  • Semester Offered: 1st semester
  • Course Credit: Lecture: 4 units (3 units lecture, 1 unit lab)

Catalog Description

Integrated circuit devices and modeling. Noise analysis and modeling. Review of basic operational amplifier design and compensation. Advanced current mirrors and operational amplifiers. Operational transconductance amplifiers. Common-mode feedback circuits. Comparators. Sample and holds. Voltage references and translinear circuits. Discrete-time signals. Switched-capacitor circuits. Co-req: CoE 143 or equiv. 6h (3 lec, 3 lab) 4 u.


Module Topics Outcomes Resources Activities

CMOS Technology and Fabrication

  • Deep submicron issues
  • Process variations
  • Identify the key characteristics and non-idealities of a CMOS fabrication process.
  • Analyze how these key characteristics and non-idealities change the characteristics of the devices that will be built on it.
  • Perform simple circuit simulations using a ngspice.

Passive CMOS Devices

  • Resistors
  • Capacitors
  • Inductors
  • Identify, model, and analyze the effects of CMOS process parameters on the characteristics of integrated resistors, capacitors, and inductors.
  • Verify these effects via circuit simulation.
  • 220-A2.1: Integrated Resistors and Capacitors

MOS Transistors

  • Transistor Models
  • Short-Channel Effects
  • Identify, model, and analyze the effects of CMOS process parameters on the characteristics of MOS transistors.
  • Verify these effects via circuit simulation.
  • Arizona State University Predictive Technology Models (PTM) website
  • 220-A3.1: MOS characteristic curves simulation
  • 220-A3.2: Extracting MOS small-signal parameters
  • 220-A3.3: The MOS transition frequency

Model-Based Analog Circuit Design

  • Small-Signal Model
  • and
  • Design simple single-transistor amplifiers using SPICE models as an alternative to closed-form models.
  • Verify these designs via circuit simulation.
  • 220-A4.1: MOS Intrinsic Gain
  • 220-A4.2: Simulating
  • 220-A4.3: Design of a Simple Common-Source Amplifier

Electronic Noise

  • Identify the fundamental types of electronic noise and differentiate one noise type from another.
  • Model and analyze the effects and implications of electronic noise in semiconductor devices and circuits.
  • Model and analyze the effects and implications of electronic noise in feedback circuits.
  • Verify these effects via circuit simulation.
  • 220-A5.1: Device noise power-spectral density and total integrated device noise
  • 220-A5.2: Amplifier output noise and input-referred noise

Operational Transconductance Amplifiers (OTAs)

  • Op-Amps vs. OTAs
  • Switched-Capacitor Feedback
  • Differentiate between operational amplifiers (Op-Amps) and operational transconductance amplifiers (OTAs).
  • Analyze OTA circuits with capacitive feedback.
  • Verify the behavior of these circuits via simulation.
  • 220-A6.1: Transient response of an OTA with capacitive feedback

Differential Circuits

  • Differential-Mode
  • Common-Mode
  • Baluns
  • Differentiate and identify the advantages/disadvantages and cost-benefit trade-offs between fully-differential circuits vis-a-vis single-ended circuits.
  • Model and analyze the behavior of fully-differential circuits.
  • Verify the behavior of these circuits via simulation.

Current Mirrors

  • Cascoding
  • Common-Mode Feedback
  • Model, analyze, and design current mirror circuits for biasing fully-differential and single-ended OTAs.
  • Model, analyze, and design common-mode feedback (CMFB) circuits in differential OTAs.
  • Verify the behavior of these circuits via simulation.
  • 220-A8.1: Amplifier output swing
  • 220-A8.2: Gain-boosted current mirror frequency response
  • 220-A8.3: Basic common-mode feedback circuits

The Folded-Cascode OTA

  • DC Characteristics
  • Small-signal Characteristics
  • Noise
  • Identify the advantages and disadvantages of a folded-cascode OTA.
  • Model and analyze the DC and small-signal characteristics of a folded-cascode OTA.
  • Verify the behavior of these characteristics via simulation.
  • 220-A9.1: Biasing the folded-cascode OTA
  • 220-A9.2: Folded-cascode small- and large-signal gain

Feedback and Stability

  • Loop Gain
  • Phase and Gain Margins
  • Compensation
  • Model and analyze the DC and small-signal characteristics of a folded-cascode OTA with feedback.
  • Verify the behavior of these characteristics via simulation.

Amplifier Settling

  • Linear settling
  • Slewing
  • Model and analyze the noise and settling characteristics of a folded-cascode OTA with feedback.
  • Verify the behavior of these characteristics via simulation.
  • 220-A11.1: Folded-cascode OTA noise analysis
  • 220-A11.2: Folded-cascode OTA linear and non-linear settling

An Amplifier Design Example

  • Design a fully-differential OTA with capacitive feedback.
  • Verify the OTA characteristics via simulation.
  • 220-A12.1: Folded-cascode OTA design mini-project

EE 220 Project

  • Halfway Consultations
  • Design a fully-differential OTA with capacitive feedback.
  • Verify the OTA characteristics via simulation.

EE 220 Project

  • Submissions
  • Design a fully-differential OTA with capacitive feedback.
  • Verify the OTA characteristics via simulation.


  • Gray, Hurst, Lewis, Meyer, Analysis & Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, Wiley 2001.
  • Johns, Martin, Analog Integrated Circuit Design, Wiley 1997.
  • Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, Behzad Razavi, McGraw-Hill, 2000.
  • The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits, Thomas H. Lee, 2nd Ed., Cambridge University Press, 2003.
  • The Designers Guide to SPICE & SPECTRE, K. S. Kundert, Kluwer Academic Press, 1995.
  • Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor, Y. Tsividis, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition, 1999.