Filter Families

From Microlab Classes
Revision as of 16:04, 15 March 2021 by Louis Alarcon (talk | contribs)
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The location of the poles and zeros of a filter transfer function determines both the magnitude and phase response of that filter. Let us look at several filter families, where each family has a particular scheme for pole and zero placement, resulting in certain unique characteristics. Though there are other filter families, we will focus on these four families: (1) Butterworth Filters, (2) Chebyshev Filters, (3) Elliptic Filters, and (4) Bessel Filters.

The Low-Pass Butterworth Filter

The Low-Pass Chebyshev Type-I Filter

The Low-Pass Chebyshev Type-II Filter

The Low-Pass Elliptic Filter

The Low-Pass Bessel Filter