Passive Matching Networks
Controlling impedances in RF circuits are essential to maximize power transfer between blocks and to reduce reflections caused by impedance discontinuities along a signal path. In this module, we will define the quality factor, Q, for a device or a circuit, and use this Q to build circuits that modify the impedance seen across a port.
Device Quality Factor
The quality factor, Q, is a measure of how good a device is at storing energy. Thus, the lower the losses, the higher the Q. In general, if we can express the impedance or admittance of a device as , the quality factor can then be expressed as . The imaginary component, represents the energy storage element, and the real component, , represents the loss (resistive) component.
Series RC Circuit
A lossy capacitor can be modeled as a series RC circuit with the series resistance, represents the dielectric leakage loss. Thus, the admittance of the lossy capacitor can be expressed as . We get therefore write the quality factor as:
Note that for the lossless case, , leading to .