CoE 164 S2 AY 2022-2023

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Revision as of 16:48, 24 May 2023 by Carl Dizon (talk | contribs)
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Course Information

Academic Period: 2nd Semester AY 2022-2023
Units: 1 (3 laboratory)

  • 3 hours laboratory per week


  • Carl C. Dizon [carl.dizon at eeemail]
  • Nestor Michael C. Tiglao [nestor at eeemail]

Course Description: This is an advanced laboratory course on the application of the concepts, methodologies, skills, and tradeoffs in designing/building computing systems to solve challenging problems, in an efficient and structured way.
Synopsis: This course aims to 1) build and evaluate efficient computing platforms, 2) present algorithms, methods, and tools needed to solve challenging problems, and 3) practice sound engineering judgement in solving engineering problems.
Delivery Method: Digital materials and open-time laboratory sessions
Online Platforms: UVLe, Piazza, Google Meet, Zoom, other quiz platforms, other code submission platforms.
Course Guidelines: [syllabus]
Grade Lookup: Google Apps Script

Course Outline

Week Topics Academic Requirements Resource Links

[00] Course overview and synopsis
[00] Course requirements



[01] Rust: About
[01] Rust: Basic data types and language grammar
[01] Rust: Control statements and functions

[SE01] Specifications
[SE01A][bin] Submission Bin
[SE01B][bin] Submission Bin
[SE01C][bin] Submission Bin


[02] Rust: Advanced data structures
[02] Rust: Data ownership

[SE02] Specifications
[SE02A][bin] Submission Bin
[SE02B][bin] Submission Bin
[SE02C][bin] Submission Bin


[03] Rust: OOP features
[03] Rust: Generic types
[03] Rust: Error handling

[SE03] Specifications
[SE03][bin] Submission Bin


[04] Rust: Packages and modules
[04] Test-driven development


[MidP] Message Obfuscation

[MidP] Specifications
[MidP][bin] Submission Bin

[MidP][form] Group Assignments
[MidP][doc] Algorithm and File Format
[MidP][doc] DC3/skew Worked Example


[12] Rust: Concurrency
[12] Rust: SIMD

[12a slides]
[12b slides]


Grading Rubric

50% Software exercises (SE)
30% Midterm project (MidP)
20% Capstone project (CP)

Completion Requirements

Students are required to fulfill the following requirements for course completion. Failure to fulfill any of these requirements will result in receiving an INC in the course.

  • Submit half of the SEs offered throughout the semester
  • Submit the MidP
  • Submit the CP


May 2023

02 May 2023


I am writing to inform you that I would like to set-up a regular session with all of you on Tuesday, 02 May 2023 at EEEI 204 at our slightly-delayed designated time (3:00 PM). We will also concurrently have a Zoom session for those who will not be able to attend physically. The link to that is here:

URL: <redacted>
Meeting ID: <redacted>
Passcode: <redacted>

During this time, the specs of the Midterm Problem will be discussed. You can read the specifications and pertinent resources for reference. As mentioned in the latest message, the MidP is designed to be accomplished by three people chosen at random within the section. Your groupmates can be searched using this assignment form. The deadline for the MidP is on 12 May 2023 (tentatively), so please make sure to contact your groupmates and start working on it right now. An annex of the required algorithms to accomplish the MidP is also uploaded for your reference.

If you have any inquiries, please send a message to me through this email or post it to the Piazza forums.

- Carl Dizon (talk)

PS. Apologies for the short notice.

April 2023

25 April 2023


I am writing to inform you that the Midterm Problem was released last week on UVLe. You can read the specifications and pertinent resources for reference. As mentioned in the latest message, the MidP is designed to be accomplished by three people chosen at random within the section. Your groupmates can be searched using this assignment form. The deadline for the MidP is on 12 May 2023, so please make sure to contact your groupmates and start working on it right now. An annex of the required algorithms to accomplish the MidP will be uploaded the soonest.

Also, the Chancellor has sent a memo regarding holding of the Alternative Classroom Learning Experience (ACLE) on Tuesday, 25 April 2023, 11:30 AM-5:30 PM. Hence, there will be no classes during this time. Unfortunately, this means that we will not be able to do a briefing for the MidP this week either since we were not able to do so last week due to a sickness. If you are interested in having an onsite briefing, you can attend the Thursday session (HXY, 2:30 PM - 5:30 PM) provided that there is available seating.

If you have any inquiries, please send a message to me through this email or post it to the Piazza forums.

- Carl Dizon (talk)

17 April 2023


I hope that you had a peaceful reading break. Because of that, we can now go back to business and hopefully move on with CoE 164. However, due to a pending "summer cough" on my side, we will unfortunately not have synchronous classes this week. In addition, due to the break and recent developments regarding the course, here are some changes or updates:

  • The Midterm Problem will be released this week as scheduled. As a teaser, the MidP is a group problem requiring three people. Your groupmates will be chosen at random within the section. The assignment form will be released soon.
    • Due to the expected difficulty of the MidP, there may be some changes regarding the values in the grading rubric. Please stay tuned for such updates.
  • We will be cancelling the other two assessments that are part of SE03. Hence, only SE03C will be the assessment for that week. The pertinent spec file will be updated to reflect this change.
  • The soon-to-be-released SE04 will be optional, but will be graded as a bonus credit under the SE portion of the grading rubric.
  • We will release a grades form where you can check your grade for the course.

In the off-chance that I will be fully recuperated in time for my other lab class (HXY), the specs of the MidP and pertinent knowledge needed to do it will be discussed during that time. Students from this section can attend that session onsite provided that there is available seating. Otherwise, the MidP specs will be discussed next week under the usual "hyflex" arrangement.

If you have any inquiries, please send a message to me through this email or post it to the Piazza forums.

- Carl Dizon (talk)

04 April 2023


I am writing to inform you that starting today is the Christian Holy Week, and after this week will be the scheduled Reading Break for the semester. This means that we will have two weeks of "vacations". In line with university policy, no deadlines or any synchronous classes will be scheduled during these times. However, due to a compressed time frame, we may release content for the next few weeks within these times for your own perusal. If you were also not able to submit past assessments, now is the perfect time to do so.

In addition to this, we will release the remaining parts of SE03 and SE04 during the break. We will also release the specifications to the Midterm Problem during this time for your early reference.

If you have any inquiries, please send a message to me through this email or post it to the Piazza forums.

- Carl Dizon (talk)

March 2023

27 March 2023


I am writing to inform you that I would like to set-up a regular session with all of you on Tuesday, 28 March 2023 at EEEI 204 at our designated time (2:30 PM). We will also concurrently have a Zoom session for those who will not be able to attend physically. The link to that is here:

URL: <redacted>
Meeting ID: <redacted>
Passcode: <redacted>

During this time, SE03 will also be finally released.

If you have any inquiries, please send a message to me through this email or post it to the Piazza forums.

- Carl Dizon (talk)

20 March 2023


I am writing to give you a not-so-gentle reminder about our upcoming deadlines for the pending academic requirements. Note that the times of these deadlines are assumed to be at 11:55 PM GMT+8. Please send or fulfill these requirements via UVLe.

  • SE02: Friday, 24 March 2023

Finally, I would like to set-up a regular session with all of you on Tuesday, 21 March 2023 at EEEI 204 at our designated time (2:30 PM). We will also concurrently have a Zoom session for those who will not be able to attend physically. The link to that is here:

URL: <redacted>
Meeting ID: <redacted>
Passcode: <redacted>

If you have any inquiries, please send a message to me through this email.

- Carl Dizon (talk)

13 March 2023


I am writing to give you a not-so-gentle reminder that, after a few weeks, SE02 will be released on Tuesday, 14 March 2023 on UVLe. Deadline for accomplishing the exercises is on Friday, 24 March 2023.

Finally, I would like to set-up a regular session with all of you on Tuesday, 14 March 2023 at EEEI 204 at our designated time (2:30 PM). We will also concurrently have a Zoom session for those who will not be able to attend physically. The link to that is here:

URL: <redacted>
Meeting ID: <redacted>
Passcode: <redacted>

If you have any inquiries, please send a message to me through this email.

- Carl Dizon (talk)

06 March 2023


You are receiving this email regarding CoE 164 because you are enrolled in my section. This will also be the main e-mail thread regarding updates in our course.

As promised before, we have finally set-up the Piazza platform for the course. If you are currently receiving this email, you should have been registered to the platform. Otherwise, please register by yourself through this link. Please check the platform as soon as possible as some students have already posted some questions there.

Finally, I am writing to inform you that due to a memo related to the ongoing PUV drivers' strike against the modernization program, there will be no onsite classes in EEEI this week. Since we still would like to learn, I would like to set-up a regular session with all of you on Tuesday, 07 March 2023 through Zep at our designated time (2:30 PM). We will meet at EEEI 204 (Samsung Lab) for our lecture class.

PW: eeei_da_best

Please note that this space is currently being set-up, so there may still be some problems. Additionally, Zep recommends any Chromium browser to use the website but it also works for Firefox.

If you have any inquiries, please send a message to me through this email.

- Carl Dizon (talk)

February 2023

28 February 2023


I apologize for the confusion. We will be meeting at EEEI 204 (Samsung Lab) instead. Please note that this will be our laboratory room starting this week.

If you have any inquiries, please send a message to me through this email. We are also still setting-up the Piazza platform for the course.

- Carl Dizon (talk)

27 February 2023


You are receiving this email regarding CoE 164 because you are enrolled in my section. This will also be the main e-mail thread regarding updates in our course.

First of all, I would like to personally apologize for late announcements as we are also busy formulating course content as we go through the semester. I have also yet to send out forms for the icebreaker and diagnostic tests, and weekly pre-attendance. Nonetheless, hopefully we can announce course updates more often starting today.

As we have discussed in our onboarding meeting last week, we will be using UVLe primarily as our avenue for course delivery. For those who were not enrolled in UVLe yet, here are the course details so that you can enroll yourself in it. Note that there are no assessments released yet, and we will announce if they are already uploaded soon.

PW: <redacted>

For redundancy (e.g. UVLe is undergoing maintenance), you can access the materials at the UP Microlab classes wiki. Just find the wiki page dedicated to our class entitled CoE 164 S2 AY 2022-2023:

Finally, I would like to set-up a regular session with all of you on Tuesday, 28 February 2023 at EEEI LC1 at our designated time (2:30 PM). We will also concurrently have a Zoom session for those who will not be able to attend physically. The link to that is here:

URL: <redacted>
Meeting ID: <redacted>
Passcode: <redacted>

If you have any inquiries, please send a message to me through this email. We are also still setting-up the Piazza platform for the course.

- Carl Dizon (talk)

21 February 2023


You are receiving this email regarding CoE 164 because you are enrolled in my section. This will also be the main e-mail thread regarding updates in our course. Please ignore the previous email thread entitled "[CoE 164] <redacted> Class Updates" because I have just changed the subject of the email thread to add the semester when the course is offered.

To start the semester, I would like to set-up an onboarding meeting with all of you on Tuesday, 21 February 2023 at EEEI Rm 307* at our designated time (2:30 PM). We will also concurrently have a Zoom session for those who will not be able to attend physically. The link to that is here:

URL: <redacted>
Meeting ID: <redacted>
Passcode: <redacted>

It's for us to see each other and be up to date with the course information and requirements, and how the course will go through the semester in general.

Thank you and hope to see you soon!

- Carl Dizon (talk)

* For those unaware, Rm 307 is located at the 3rd floor old building. From the stairs, it is on the left side adjacent to the STC laboratory (Rm 208). This room is also tentative only as we are waiting to secure a computer lab for us.