Uniquely Decodable Codes

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Special Case: Prefix-Free Codes

The Kraft-McMillan Inequality

The Kraft-McMillan inequality provides (1) a necessary condition for unique decodability, and (2) a sufficient condition for the existence of uniquely decodable codes.

  • (Necessity.) Let be a -ary uniquely decodable code whose codewords have lengths . Then,
  • (Sufficiency.) Let be a sequence of positive integers such that . Then, there exists a uniquely decodable code whose codewords have lengths .

Since all instantaneous/prefix-free codes are uniquely decodable, then the above statements are also true if we replace "uniquely decodable" by "instantaneous." Let us first prove the statements for prefix-free codes, and then we discuss the more general case of uniquely decodable codes.

Proof for Prefix-Free Codes

Prefix-free codes can be visualized as a -ary tree, in which all non-leaf nodes have at most children. In the figure below, we have a binary (2-ary) prefix-free code where each "left turn" corresponds to 0 and each "right turn" corresponds to 1.


Since no codeword can be a prefix of another codeword, the following (equivalent) properties must be satisfied:

  • no codeword can be a descendant of another codeword, and
  • no two codewords can share a descendant in the full binary tree.

The first property is a direct consequence of being prefix-free. Essentially, it tells us that once we have assigned a node in the tree as a codeword, all of its descendants in the full binary tree are denied the possibility of being a codeword. The figure illustrates this property using the dashed circles below solid black nodes.

We are now ready to prove the necessity condition for prefix-free codes. Let be the maximum codeword length in .

Proof for Uniquely Decodable Codes

The proof of the Kraft-McMillan Inequality for uniquely decodable codes is interesting since it starts with evaluating :






Let . Thus, the minimum value of is , when all the codewords are 1 bit long, and the maximum is , when all the codewords have the maximum length. We can then write:






Where is the number of combinations of codewords that have a combined length of . Note that the number of distinct codewords of length is . If this code is uniquely decodable, then each sequence can represent one and only one sequence of codewords. Therefore, the number of possible combinations of codewords whose combined length is cannot be greater than , or:






We can then write:






Thus, we can conclude that since if this were not true, would exceed for large .