2S2122 Activity 1.1

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  • Answer the following problems individually and truthfully.
  • Be sure to show your solutions and please box your final answers.
  • Please write your complete name, student number, and section on the upper left corner of your answer sheet. No name, student number, and section, no grade.
  • Save your answers in pdf file type with the filename format "section_lastname_firstname_studentnumber.pdf" all in small caps. For example: "abc_wayne_bruce_201101474.pdf".
  • Submit your files in the respective submission bin in UVLE. Be sure to submit in the correct class!
  • Have fun doing these exercises :) even though it may seem boring.
  • You only have two weeks to work on the activities. We will post the hard deadline on UVLE.

Bonus: If you want to submit an elegant work, you may want to try Overleaf. It's a document processing site where you encode your work using Latek. It's about time you learn this because you will use this when you graduate.

Grading Rubrics

  • If you have a good solution and a correct answer, you get full points.
  • If you have a good solution but the answer is not boxed (or highlighted), you get a 5% deduction of the total points for that problem.
  • If you have a good solution but the answer is wrong, you get a 20% deduction of the total points for that problem.
  • If your solution is somewhat OK but incomplete. You only get 40% of the total problem.
  • If you have a bad solution but with a correct answer. That sounds suspicious. You get 0% for that problem. A bad solution may be:
    • You just wrote the given.
    • You just dumped equations but no explanation to where they are used.
    • You attempted to put a messy flow to distract us. That's definitely bad.
  • No attempt at all means no points at all.

Problem 1 (2 pts)

Three fair coins are tossed successively.

(a) Write down the sample space. (0.1 pts)

(b) What are the events for when the first coin is a head? Let this be event . (0.15 pts)

(c) What are the events for when the second coin is a tail? Let this be event . (0.15 pts)

(d) Calculate . (0.4 pts)

(e) Calculate . (0.4 pts)

(f) Calculate . (0.4 pts)

(g) Calculate . (0.4 pts)

Problem 2 (2 pts.)

Two events and are such that , , and . Find . (2 pts)

Problem 3 (2 pts.)

In a factory producing IC chips, the total quantity of defective items found in a given week is . It is suspected that the majority of these come from two machines, and . An inspection shows that of the output from and of the output from is defective. Furthermore, of the overall output came from and from . An IC chip is chosen at random and found out to be defective. What is the probability that it came from either or ? (*Hint*: Read very carefully.) (2 pts.)

Problem 4

Problem 5